Oak Panels, Quality BC - Rustic

Buy Oak Panels, Quality BC - Rustic

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The life term of an oak reaches 900 years. It is one of the slowest growing wood species. The tree lives a long and full life until it is cut down. The instability and difficult conditions are also reflected in the wood - today it is almost impossible to find pure oak trunks. In any case, purewood goes to the A / B category panels. Wood with knots, sapwood is classified as A / C, B / C, Rustic wood. According to its properties, it is exactly the same material as products of A/B quality. But its texture differs much more, showing all the variety of wood.

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Buy Oak Panels, Quality BC - Rustic

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Oak Panels, Quality BC And Rustic

Buy Oak Panels, Quality BC - Rustic
Buy Oak Panels, Quality BC - Rustic
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