Maple Glued Panels
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The key features of maple are its hardwood and its uniform color, which is close to white. Such uniformity is due to the fact that maple's sapwood and heartwood differ slightly, unlike many other wood species. The texture is similar to ash, but maple has a more austere look.
Maple furniture was very popular in the sixties. This material isoften used in musical instruments.
Due to its rarity, maple is hardly represented by a wide range of sizes. We can say that its availability is a great fortune and rarity for our market.
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NB! The shorter pieces - the cheaper delivery.
NB! The shorter pieces - the cheaper delivery.
View of Maple panel after different coverings

White oil
OSMO 3501

Natural oil
OSMO 3068

Grey oil
OSMO 3512

Panel without any covering

Oil "Mahagonny"
OSMO 3138
NB! These photos are taken in daylight. In the case of electric light, the view can differ. Also, depending on the screen and its brightness, the picture can vary.