Made a round reed table from walnut

Buy Made a round reed table from walnut

We couldn't ignore the fashion for reed design. Our company has been offering decorative oak slats for quite a long time.

So then we decided to make a round table with a slatted leg. We made a large oak table with a similar leg a year ago. However, there was a trapeze.

In parallel with that project, we made a straight leg from oak with a more modest tabletop. This model was relatively popular; we sold several of these tables.

Buy Made a round reed table from walnut

When we received a large shipment of walnut wood in the summer, we combined noble walnut patterns and successful design. Walnut in our warehouse is presented in two types - European and dark. For this project, we used dark walnut.

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The leg is made of 40 of walnut slats. All slats are rounded and wholly made of solid wood. It achieves a variety of textures and a natural, lively appearance.

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The tabletop is made of walnut furniture board, 40 millimetres thick. The tabletop width is 1200 mm. 4 people can quickly gather at this table.

A 45-degree cut was made along the entire edge to make the tabletop look massive yet light and airy.

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All table parts are coated with Glimtrex oil. We conducted several tests of the oil and empirically concluded that it is Glimtrex that reveals the maximum potential of the nut. 

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